The International Network for Health Workforce Education (INHWE) has been invited to present at the “Workforce innovations for better performing health systems in Europe” Conference. The Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (IHMT) of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with the su
The International Network for Health Workforce Education, along with a number of fellow members, is working on a transnational project to support health care professionals deal with aggressive patients.
The International Network for Health Workforce Education is very pleased to announce that the Provisional Programme for the upcoming European Conference of Health Workforce Education and Research is now available online.
If you want to run a healthcare related event but need specific professional conference organisation (PCO) expertise, we can be of assistance to you. In addition to running our own internal events, we also support members and other organisations by offering Powered by
A new call has recently opened for GCRF Networking Grants which allow researchers across the sciences, social sciences, engineering, humanities and medicine from developing countries and the UK to hold interdisciplinary networking events.
Applications are invited for 13 Early Stage Researchers funded by the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network HealthPros (Healthcare Performance Intelligence Professionals) within the European Horizon 2020 Programme.
INHWE is presenting and participating in the Conference on "Health & Ageing sector investment, European funds and human resources: the post 2010 perspective", which will take place in Rome, Italy, on 18th and 19th January 2018.