Pharmacy Travel Award 2020


Pharmacy are pleased to announce that the application period is now open for their Travel Award 2020. The nominations and applications will beassessed by an Evaluation Committee chaired by Prof. Jeffrey Atkinson, Section Editor-in-Chief of Pharmacy.

EFPC Webinar: IPE


During this EFPC webinar, taking place on Tuesday 12 November 2019 between 12.30 and 13.30 (Netherlands time),participants will review and understand interprofessional education as an important pedagogical approach for preparing health professions students to provide patient care

New Project: Digi4Health


INHWE is one of six project partners who have begun a new project.

MOOC: Participation Tools for Health


The MOOC, delivered by the University of Alicante, enables learners to design plans and programs of public policies from a participatory logic, allowing to incorporate in an effective way the voice and demands of those who are recipients of the actions to undertake.

EFPC Vacancy: Junior Coordinator


EFPC has a vacancy in the Utrecht based secretariat for a Junior Coordinator. You can vacancy description and consider an application. Please respon

Call for Abstracts: Barcelona 2020


We would like to invite potential participants to submit abstracts to the 3rd International Congress of Health Workforce Education and Research. The Congress will take place in Barcelona, Spain between Wednesday 2nd and Friday 4th September 2020.

New Project: StoryAidEU


INHWE has started a new project for which we are the lead partner along with 6 other members of our Network.

Summary Report of the 4th SEPEN Webinar on IPE


The SEPEN Tender ran its 4th webinar on Interprofessional Education for Future Health Workforce Collaboration on the 29th of March 2019.

Digital Health Literacy in the Medical Curriculum Statement by the European Medical Students' Association


Digital health literacy and skills of health care professionals are prerequisite competencies for the successful digital transformation of healthcare.

EU Health Policy Platform Annual Meeting


The Health Policy Platform (HPP) is the European Commissions primary group for all EU health stakeholders. The meeting is attended by colleagues from the respective Ministries of Health for each Member State and also by the EU Commissioner and other high ranking EC staff members.

Pharmacy Travel Award 2020


The journal Pharmacy has announced that the application period is now open for their Pharmacy Travel Award 2020. The nominations and applications will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee chaired by Prof.

Infection Prevention and Control at EUC


Fellow INHWE members from the European University Cyprus (EUC) are promoting their MSc Infection Prevention and Control.

G20 Leaders Commit to Health Workforce


Leaders of the G20 countries met in Osaka on 28th and 29th June 2019. The meeting resulted in a common declaration on global economic challenges in which global health was also mentioned.

EU Consultation: Future of Investment in Europe’s Digital Economy


The European Commission has opened a consultation on the orientation of the first two years of its proposed Digital Europe programme.

'Health Professions Digital Education' JMIR E-Collection


JMIR Publications is the leading open access resource for evidence-based digital health research. One of its e-collections is the 'Theme issue 2018: Health professions digital education: what works best, when, for whom and at what cost?'.