

We are pleased to announce that our new research project named "ExCHange Of ExpertiSe in healthcare professionals" (ECHOES) is inviting all healthcare professionals, academics, and researchers to answer an anonymous survey (~10 min) aiming to identify gaps in expertise in each professions for each country.

Link to Survey:

We'd like to thank all INHWE members for their valuable contribution which is key to ensure that the findings represent as many professions and countries as possible. More info about ECHOES project can be found on the following platforms:

ECHOES aims to develop a digital platform facilitating the exchange of expertise between healthcare universities, increasing access of students across Europe (and worldwide) to the expertise that are currently unequally distributed. As a result, we aim to raise the capacity of healthcare professionals, instilling a mindset of constant upskilling necessary to positively disrupt the status quo within healthcare education. The project consortium features the Internationalisation WG of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Malta (coordinator), the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), PMF Research, Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK), and the International Network for Health Workforce Education (INHWE).

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.