DIGI4ME - Health sector skill alliance for creating innovative and efficient VET programmes and improving the digital Skills of medical physics and health professionals (2020-2023)
The increasing demand for healthcare services, driven by demographic shifts throughout Europe will increase the number of jobs and the required skills of professionals in the health sector. Recently the need for digital skills for health care professionals is acknowledged at EU level. Health care professionals’ high competences and quality digital skills are acknowledged to be of extreme importance across all countries at European level. However, is pointed out in many European level reports that the digital skills of health professionals are not in line with the technological advances in the sector and in many cases and professions there is a huge gap to be bridged.
Digi4He will provide a platform for digital skills training in the health care sector. EU Educational Institutes, VETs, Health Care Associations, and relevant EU Enterprises will exchange skills, experience, and accessibility to be embodied in a single high quality training framework improving Digital Skill training all over European Countries.
EU Educational Institutes, VETs and Health Care Associations participating in the DIGI4ME project will a) exchange their long experience in order to be embodied in a single high quality training framework improving Digital Skill training; b) develop new innovative curricula and educational methods of health care training courses all over European Countries; c) establish/accredit the developed Open and distance learning framework to support the community of Health Professionals.
The DIGI4ME project runs from November 2020 to October 2023. Project website: https://digi4me.eu/
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