
The European Medical Students' Association (EMSA) adopted the policy paper "Conflicts of Interest in Medical Education Settings" at their General Assembly in Heidelberg on 26/04/2019. Awareness of conflicts of interest in healthcare collaborations and education on how to handle them are essential for the professional and scientific integrity of future doctors. This is being widely neglected in European medical faculties. Therefore, EMSA calls on European medical faculties to: firstly, implement courses on how to deal with conflicts of interest and secondly, adopt a guideline regulating their own handling of conflicts of interest. Furthermore, EMSA calls on European Institutions and member states to raise public awareness for this topic, encourage medical schools to implement courses on the topic and allocate financial resources on training and research regarding conflicts of interest in healthcare. EMSA acknowledges the importance of handling conflicts of interest as part of medical education and commits itself to work on it.

Read the policy document here: