Casting the Network is the podcast of the International Network for Health Workforce Education. Each episode we will be introducinga guest who has a story to tell, research to provide or just something interesting to say. We wanted to find a way to share the stories we hear at our conferences and within our network to a much wider audience, including those that have not yet had the chance to attend one of our meetings. We have always given a platform, not only to tried and tested education ideas, but also to new innovative methods and we wanted find even more ways to do this. With this in mind, we’re excited to present to you the ‘Casting the Network’ podcast series.
Casting the Network is sponsored by Lecturio, a global leader in digital medical education. Lecturio believes it’s time to teach evidence-based medicine in an evidence-based manner. It provides the content and digital platform to enable learning-science-based medical education delivery. Lecturio works with any curriculum or mix of learning formats. To find out more visit:
The podcast is available on Spotify, Apple and Google Podcast platforms.